Turbocharge Your Business with a Free Lifetime Subscription to Systeme.io Advanced Marketing Funnel
Use marketing funnels in PTC to drive traffic and get direct referrals. The funnel is used to attract potential referrals, offer lead magnets, engage and nurture leads. It converts potential referrals to active members in your network of direct referrals. Establishing rapport and trust with potential referrals is crucial in moving them closer to conversion. This is achieved by crafting irresistible sales assets and calls-to-action. Monitoring the performance of sales assets is also important in optimizing the marketing funnel. By using marketing funnels effectively, you can drive traffic and achieve better results to get referrals in PTC.

Drive Traffic like a Pro: Tips for Using Marketing Funnels in PTC

Marketing funnels in PTC are important tools to effectively drive traffic and acquire direct referrals.  A marketing funnel basically represents the journey that a potential referral takes from being aware of a PTC opportunity to becoming an active participant by joining the PTC offer using your referral link.  A marketing funnel includes different stages, each of which is designed to move the potential referral closer to conversion (a member in your network of direct referrals).

The top of a marketing funnel focuses on attracting potential referrals to the PTC earning platform.  This stage involves creating content that is keyword optimized, informative and compelling such as engaging banner ads, irresistible splash pages, informative blog posts, and so forth.  

These sales assets should be designed to capture the attention of the target audience.  Use the power of keywords that are used in PTC such as “low withdrawal threshold, high referral earnings, flexible PTC jobs, free membership plan, PTC incentives, high earning potential,” and so forth.  In other words, you should use the language, speech patterns and vernacular familiar in paid-to-click.  And secondly, you should be give thoughtful attention to creating and using eye-catching visuals such as using a color scheme rather than randomly selecting colors and coordinating the ‘white space’ to guide the target audience to conversion (to click through on the call to action.)  In short, you should use the language of PTC and visually optimize the sales assets in order to arouse the interest or curiosity of potential referrals and encourage them to click through to join or to learn more about the PTC earning platform.

Find tips about how to create effective splash pages in the following blog post.

Maximize Conversions: How to Design Irresistible Splash Pages

There are four basic stages of a marketing funnel which represents the four stage of the universal formula used in all marketing strategies. This first stage is called the Stage of Awareness and the objective or goal, is to Attract Potential Referrals. The next two stages include a free offer or giveaway in exchange for contact information.  This sales asset (the free offer or giveaway) is called the “Lead Magnet” which aims to fulfill two goals: to move referrals closer to conversion (to take action and click through the referral link to join or investigate the PTC earning platform); and to collect the contact information (an email address) of potential referrals.  It is within the next two stages of Interest and Desire, that these potential referrals who have exchanged contact information for the giveaway offer, which involves further engaging and nurturing to move these potential referrals to conversion.  The process of engaging and nurturing leads can be achieved in a variety of ways. The use of email campaigns, social media interactions, or exclusive offers that provide further value to the target audience (the potential referrals, the “leads”) are three examples of strategies used to build a relationship with leads (potential referrals or your target audience).  And in building a relationship and even better, by establish a ‘rapport’ you can better understand the needs or pain points to move potential referrals closer to conversion.

A rapport is defined as “a close and harmonious relationship in which the people or groups concerned understand each other’s feelings or ideas and communicate well.” (This definition is courtesy of Google’s English dictionary which is provided by Oxford Languages.)  Establish this rapport is the trust between the marketer and the target audience.  By using different marketing strategies as in email marketing and networking in social media, communities, and forums; you can establish trust and credibility which is more likely to convince potential referrals to convert to active referrals.


Tips for Converting Irresistible Calls-to-Action that Convert

Turning potential referrals or “Leads” into active referrals in your network of direct referrals is the main goal of a marketing sales funnel. This is the final stage in the universal marketing theory of AIDA which focuses on providing leads with a ‘seamless experience’ to convert. For example, you do not simply state, “Join Now”, nor “Click Here”.  You need to create a direct but smooth transition to accept your call-to-action. This final stage of Action emphasizes providing leads a smooth introduction, a clear guidance about beginning the PTC platform, and continuous assistance to help them in use it efficiently and effectively to discover their earning potential.  These aspects need to be clearly expressed in the CTA, so choose your wording carefully to effectively increase the likelihood of leads becoming long-term, engaged referrals that will further add to your network of direct referrals by building their own referral networks to fulfill the promise of high potential earnings.

Monitoring and Analyzing Performance of Sales Assets Using Marketing Funnels

Running an ad or splash page (sales assets) through marketing funnels involves running more than one version of the ad or splash page in order to test drive the conversion rate.  Slight differences (as in the wording or different CTA) and alternative choices (as in a different color scheme) may cause one version of the same sales asset to convert better. To ensure the effectiveness of marketing funnels in driving traffic and acquiring referrals, it is necessary to monitor and analyze performance by tracking key metrics such as conversion rates, bounce rates, and traffic sources.  In this way, you can identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions to optimize the marketing funnel for better results.

Online marketing funnels is a paid service, but here’s an opportunity to acquire lifetime free access to the use of three marketing funnels to help you start marketing PTC offers like a Pro.  Use the enhanced marketing strategy of marketing funnels to drive traffic and get results. These are the two ultimate goals of advertising; to drive traffic to referral links and to get results by converting potential referrals to active referrals in PTC.

Turbocharge Your Business with a Free Lifetime Subscription to Systeme.io Advanced Marketing Funnel

A special dedication and much thanks goes to Alex Cattoni, for her insightful YouTube Presentation "The Marketing Funnel Explained.  What Is It & How To Write One".

what we do

Systeme.io is a free marketing enhancement tool.

It is a gift for newcomers in affiliate marketing to learn how to use marketing funnels to promote their sales assets in order to generate lead to their website.

If you're wondering what are "sales assets", this will be explained in detail in the  SEO Blog @emoneybiz.gr

In short, a "sales asset" is for example, a landing page or splash page that contains a 'call to action'.

The call to action is a request to obtain contact information in exchange for a freebie (download a free e-book or software) or to make a purchase (clearance sale now happening).

The goal of a sales asset is generate leads to your website, and to convert leads to customers.

You create various versions of a sales asset (that you have optimized for keywords, keyword phrases, call to action, visually stimulating, aesthetically engaging to your target audience, and so forth) that have slight differences.

These slightly varying versions of one sales asset are filtered through the marketing funnels in order to test for conversion rate. In other words, which version of the sales asset received the highest click through rate?

A marketing funnel enables you to promote effectively and efficiently to generate leads to your website. It measures performance of the sales assets or its conversion rate.

Subsequently, helping you get new leads and build an email list to target these leads, and to re-target through an email marketing campaign (at least up to 8 times) in hope of converting leads to customers.

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