Disclaimer Policy for emoneybiz.gr

Emoneybiz.gr receives commissions from purchases and earnings.

The owner of emoneybiz.gr is your upline and receives commissions from your purchases and earnings.

We accept advertising so long as it does not negatively impact on the quality and content of this website.

We are not compensated to provide detailed reviews on all sites you find here.  The reviews expressed on this website are solely based on the user experience of the owner.

We do not assume liability for the sites if they prove to be scam, or if they stop paying.

Use responsibly and at your own risk.

We are not responsible for any failure of your making money online.

We are not liable, nor responsible, nor accountable for the strategies or techniques you employ.  How much money you make online and how more you can earn online is purely and solely dependent on your strategies and techniques.

We review and feature websites that require you to invest money.

We are neither responsible, nor liable if these sites turn into scam,  stop paying, fail to compensate, fail to pay your interests, and fail to pay your incentives.

There is no obligation to join the sites reviewed.

We solely provide reviews, advice, and recommendations.  It is your sole responsibility, liability, and decision to join these sites or not.

We are not responsible, nor liable, nor accountable for any comment made by independent users of this website.

If you should have any questions regarding this disclaimer policy, feel free to contact us via email at info@emoneybiz.gr